

AMGA and the AHA said the proposed cuts would hinder the ability of multispecialty medical groups to provide high-quality care to their patients.
Jul 18 | Jeff Lagasse
AMGA and the AHA said the proposed cuts would hinder the ability of multispecialty medical groups to provide high-quality care to…
Finger pointing to graph line on screen
Jul 17 | Jeff Lagasse
That strong showing by the subsidiary helped UHG realize Q2 revenues that were 16% higher than the year previous, at $92.9 billion.
Healthcare professionals walk through a hospital corridor
Jul 14 | Jeff Lagasse
CMS is also proposing increases in payment for many visit services, such as primary care, and changes impacting cancer…
Papers crossing a judge's bench
Jul 10 | Jeff Lagasse
The lawsuit argues that Medicare is required to institute the payment model changes in a budget neutral manner.
HHS Building with sign in front
Jul 07 | Susan Morse
Aspects of this proposed policy will affect nearly all hospitals paid under the Outpatient Prospective Payment System, CMS says.
Statuette of Justice with scales
Jul 06 | Jeff Lagasse
The lawsuit alleges that Aetna took more than $1.3 billion from Kraft Heinz to pay providers.
A home physical therapy session
Jul 06 | Jeff Lagasse
The concern is that the QBP overpays MA organizations and does not encourage quality improvement or help…
Person with papers and calculator
Jul 05 | Jeff Lagasse
The impact of inflation is further exacerbated by continued clinical workforce shortages and pharmaceutical trends.
Home Health payments proposed to decrease by 2.2%
Jul 03 | Susan Morse
The decrease is due in part to a permanent behavior assumption adjustment.
Person and dialysis machine
Jun 26 | Susan Morse
For hospital-based facilities, CMS projects an increase in total payments of 2.6%.
