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Geisinger implements new HCC coding application to find gaps

Talix application analyzes member data from claims, electronic medical records and scanned paper documents to increase coding efficiency.

Susan Morse, Executive Editor

Geisinger Health Plan of Pennsylvania has implemented a new application to help professional risk adjustment coders uncover missed Hierarchical Condition Category codes in member charts.

The application, called Talix Coding InSight, automates and streamlines coding processes for risk adjustment, according to the San Francisco-based company.  It uses advanced data analytics and natural language processing to help coders identify missed codes in member charts, close coding gaps, and improve accuracy, according to Talix.

The application analyzes member data from disparate sources, such as claims, electronic medical records and scanned paper documents, according to Talix.

"We strive to achieve the highest level of quality. Accurate coding provides a complete member medical condition result," said Karena Weikel, vice president of risk and revenue management at Geisinger. "As our member population grows, we need an advanced coding solution to help improve our productivity so we can support increasing workloads while still maintaining our high quality standards."

Twitter: @SusanJMorse